
Aged Care

Not only can the Aged Care environment be incredibly complex to navigate but it generally happens at a time that is very stressful and emotional for you and your loved ones.

We recoganise that aged care is a complex and sensitive issue that requires careful planning. In short our aim is to help our clients:

  • Understand their Aged Care options and how it works
  • How it interacts with their Centrelink Entitlements and subsidies
  • Assess the financial viability and affordability of those options
  • Provide peace of mind in knowing that they have positioned themselves to maximise there entitlements and are well established with a plan to enter Aged Care

This can involve:

  • Paying for bonds and upfront costs
  • Keeping versus selling your home – impact on pensions, subsidies and if capital gains tax applies
  • Affording ongoing care
  • Maximising Social Security and analysis of income and asset tests
  • Gifting
  • Estate Planning and inheritances
  • Asset Management

For more information on how these can benefit you or what this can mean for you contact us today for a FREE, no obligation consultation with one of our financial consultants!

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